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Advantages of Cryopen Treatment Glasgow

What Is Cryopen Skin Tag Removal Glasgow?

Do You Want A Skin Tag Removed?

Are you currently looking into skin tag removal – only to discover you might not be sure what a skin tag is? Skin tags are small growths of skin, or tumours, which often look like a piece of cauliflower and are connected to your body by a stalk or a peduncle. It could grow on some odd parts of your body – your eyelids, under your arms, your neck, your face, etc.

Now It Can Be A Reality!

These maddening small stalks of skin often show under women’s breasts, shoulders and other areas where clothing may rub, and some places that might be hard to get to for removal.

Such growths are normally considered harmless and do not normally become malignant.
Skin Tag Removal Glasgow
Even though most skin tags are benign growths of the skin and no cause for alarm, often, such skin growths could become bothersome. That is especially true if they are big or form in a particularly sensitive region. If you or your child suffer from a skin tag, wart, or other skin growth, which becomes a concern, we are here to help. We will offer the care you need, right when it is required.
We offer Cryopen that releases a fine jet of nitrous oxide under high pressure.

Direct & Targeted - No Pain

This enables the clinician to work with millimetre precision. This terminates the tissue by freezing the inner-cellular fluid, creating ice crystals and shards that destroy the blemish. Thus, it destroys the cells, meaning there will be no collateral damage to healthy tissue. It is so unbelievably practical and accurate. With CryoPen, you could now have this treatment in your own home. Allow us to help you get your skin tag remove safely, affordably, and comfortably.

Why Do They Develop in the First Place?

It is a medical fact that some individuals are more susceptible to forming skin tags than others for various reasons – obesity being considered a big factor.

A skin tag removal treatment to remove skin tags with cryopen do not require local anaesthetic the cryopen uses liquid nitrogen which has a mild sensation similar to a stinging nettle which afterwards can be slightly itchy.
Cryopen doesn’t require local anaesthesia, you normally only get a mild sensation and wont need more than one session.

These skin imperfections can make you feel self conscious but with cryopen you can target just one treated area. It has a slight residual stinging and is a simple procedure perfect at removing harmless growths, and it will prevent infection.

Why obese individuals?

The reason behind this may be something that obese individuals have big folds of skin rubbing continuously. This friction probably might develop such growths.

Who is at greater risk of getting skin tags?

Women have a greater chance than men do. The elderly develops more skin issues than the population at large. Genetics might play a role in skin tags, as it appears to happen in families regularly.

If you have this kind of growth, do any of your family member have them as well?

Skin tags are normally benign. They normally do not turn cancerous when left untreated. However they do effect how we feel and our self-confidence.

Are they dangerous?

Most people who wish to remove their skin tags do so for most cosmetic purposes. Often, having one or two growths might not be much of an issue.

However, when clusters form on highly visible parts of your body, you might wish to have them removed. Skin tags can really affect your look and self-esteem.

Others with skin tags on extremely visible places like bust lines, arms, and faces might consider them a nuisance and will get rid them or to have them eliminated instantly. Skin tags on eyelids might be considered a kind of visual impairment.

Who Needs To Do The treatment?

Make sure that the company you decide to have your skin tag removal performed by is well known and accredited.

After The Treatment

After the treatment you are free to go about your day, you may feel a slight tingling but as there is no incision you don’t have to worry about an infection. That’s why this treatment is a game changer.